Ojai Sacred Sites Tour
Welcome to an Ojai Adventure
Before you begin your custom Ojai Sacred Sites
Tour, you will be able to select which activities and
the various sites and destinations you want to visit.
There are so many places to explore.
You will get to enjoy Ojai's breathtaking beauty first
hand. You will discover ancient secrets at some of
the most famous locations in a mystical mountain-
side oasis known as "Shangra-Li.
Ojai is California's very own spiritual Mecca.
Click here, to get your F.R.E.E. e-book There's Magic In Ojai, and find out why thousands of visitors from around the world are drawn to this spiritual mecca. Learn more about the magic and mystery of Ojai, and the sacred tribal sites off the beaten path where the spirits of the land will speak to you.
Nestled serenely in a verdant mountain valley, only 14 miles from the Pacific Ocean, it has been a spiritual magnet for centuries. Ojai is blessed with exquisite natural beauty and a deep spiritual ambiance. The natural beauty is extraordinary from any perspective, but when you explore the sacred sites and the natural wonders at some of the mystical locations -- you will understand why they call it Shangri-La.
You may want to explore Chumash sacred ceremonial sites. Or, you may wish to meet with an authentic Chumash Medicine Woman and participate in a cleansing and purification ceremony. You can visit Meditation Mount, a spiritual place known for its extraordinary beauty and healing energy. You can walk up the winding path past the gardens and the Tibetan gardens to the panoramic view of the Ojai Village below.
While basking in the peace and tranquility of this sacred site, Liz can lead you on a guided meditation, or you can spend private time in quiet re-connection with the spirit of the land. The summit at Meditation Mount is a magnificent lookout point that offers a panoramic view and a ringside seat at the landmark Topa Topa Mountain's famous "pink moment."
The "pink moment" is spectacular to watch!
It is a natural phenomena. The sky and the Topa Topa Mountain range turn lavender and pink at sunset. It's an enchanting time that's not to be missed! To compliment your breathtaking "pink moment" experience, a gourmet basket of snacks, treats and organic wine from a famous Ojai winery can be provided upon request. We can also provide a fruit, vegetables and cheese platter, as well as a complete farm-to-table gourmet lunch, or dinner, very reasonably priced.
You'll enjoy the Hot Springs, which is definitely on sacred ground. You can feel the elevated energy the minute you enter. If you get into the Hot Springs, you may experience your very own "pink moment."You may choose to visit Krotona where you can walk the stone labyrinth and set your intentions for a happy and blessed life.
Ojai is a home-away-from-home for celebrities, writers, artists and musicians, and has long attracted individuals who cherish living in this enchanting mountain side oasis known as "Shangri-La." It is an art lover's destination -- art infuses everything.
Ojai is such an enchanting little village. It's brimming with small town charm and creativity. You'll love the local culture, and you can get lost in the boutiques and shops filled hand-crafted treasures, and the quaint restaurants and distinctive cafes in our foot-friendly little town.
Discover the magic and mystery of this treasured Southern California destination.
Even if you only have time for a day trip, you can rejuvenate your spirit. The Sacred Sites Tour is magical and life-enhancing. Surrounded by the natural beauty and peacefulness of nature, you can retreat in the mystical ambiance of this special mountain valley by the sea.
Liz will make sure your transformational Ojai Sacred Sites Tour is rewarding and memorable. You will return home relaxed, recharged and renewed!
The cost of the tour is based on a two-person minimum. A three hour tour is $174 per person. More time can be added to your tour at an additional hourly charge.
Just be sure to bring a good hat and a comfortable pair of shoes.
To make reservations for custom tour, Click here.
“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is.
Self-knowledge has no end .... It is an endless river.”
~~ JiddyKrishnamurti ~~

Peace Portal at Meditation Mount