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Is a Heart's Way Retreat Right for You?
How do you know if a Heart's Way custom retreat is
right for you?  
Just answer these four questions and you'll know:

Has the happiness you've been longing for continue to elude

you? Are you unhappy in your job, in your life, or in your

relationships? Is your life so hectic you aren't having fun


Are you facing a major transition, or are you at a crossroads,
and you don't know which path to take? Are you seeking a
new direction in your career, or your life?


Is your life already great and you're ready for it to be awesome? Do you want to take your life to the next level and create uncompromising success on your own terms?


Are you looking for a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with your partner, or even a soul mate, but you're feeling isolated and alone? Or, are you are dealing with a divorce, a relationship conflict, or a loss you just can't seem to get over?

If you are feeling unfulfilled in any way or continuing to struggle in life, then perhaps there is something you need to admit to yourself:  Maybe the way you've been trying to solve problems and achieve your goals just isn't working.  


Remember Einstein's definition of insanity ... ?


If you want things to be different maybe you need a new approach.


A Heart's Way Retreat is your opportunity to heal and grow and change in a new way. No matter how many disappointments you may have had, you can create and allow love to flow into and through your life!

It doesn't matter how many obstacles you have experienced that have interfered in your relationships, or have held true happiness and success out of reach. At a Ojai Retreat you can get your relationship and your life back on track. 


In just a few days, at a Ojai Retreat with Liz, you can expect decades of growth  -- with lots of fun and laughter!

Whether you have too much stress, seeking a new direction in your career or life, or wading through conflicts in your relationship  -- a custom retreat can be a transformative experience. In the ambiance of Ojai, you can re-ignite your power and passion, and discover what you were born to do.


You can recover from loss, heal relationships and find love. You can reconnect with your inner essence and experience emotional and spiritual freedom, and find the meaning and purpose of your life. These inner changes can last a lifetime. Just imagine how different your life will be when there is nothing to stop you from living the life you were born to live.

The Heart's Way one-of-a-kind retreats attract men and women who are willing to take serious leaps in their personal lives and in their careers. They are individuals who understand the value of investing in themselves, and take the time out of their busy schedule to enrich their lives.
The healing and uplifting energy and power of the Ojai vortex, combined with the mastery and wisdom of Liz and her proprietary method, is the magic formula for transformation at the deepest level. This is your grand opportunity to be the happy and fulfilled person you were meant to be. You will leave Ojai with a vision of a glorious future of your design, and a game plan to make it happen. 
Retreat from the world and your busy life, and rejuvenate your spirit, 
heal your Soul and transform your life.  
Attending a private coaching retreat with Coach Liz Medearis can be a life-changing adventure. It's like no other personal growth experience out there! You will learn some very powerful concepts, strategies and a proven method to build an exciting life that are more non-traditional than you may ever have encountered before.
You will discover how to navigate relationship difficulties and personal challenges. You can learn how to move beyond internal conflicts and deal with your feelings in a healthier way. Whether you are at a crossroads, wading through conflicts in your relationships, or you're seeking a new direction in your career, or your life, a Heart's Way Retreat will be memorable and rewarding and you will be sure to be talking about it for some time to come!
At a Couples Getaway Retreat you and your partner can set your problems to one side and restore the connection you once had. You can explore the possibility of a more peaceful and happy life. Is your relationship is in trouble and needs a tune-up? Or are you facing the possibility of a separation?  If so, you can restore the connection you and your partner once had. A couple can solve major problems when they learn the positive skills and habits of relating to each other. With a few simple steps, they can rebuild their relationship and their problems will become insignificant and easy to resolve. Considering the cost of divorce and the deleterious effects of stress on all family members, a weekend spent with Coach Liz is an incredible value.
A getaway retreat is also well-suited for couples that are dating and need some advice, support and guidance, as well as family members such as mother and daughter, or sister and brother. A retreat is perfect for partners who already have a happy relationship and want to make it even better. It's the best vacation you could ever give to each other.
A One-On-One "Solo" Retreat is for the man or woman who wants to realize their full potential and create uncompromising success on their own terms. You will be guided, step-by-step, on a soul-searching journey of self-discovery. In that exploration, you can determine what you really want, and what you need to change in order to create your best life.
With clarity and conviction, you can design a compelling vision of your future and build a master plan that will give you happiness, fulfillment and excitement every single day. You can unleash the forces inside you and shatter your "glass ceiling" so your ideal future can show up more fully. Just imagine how different your life can be when there is nothing to stop you from realizing your greatest goals and dreams! 
A Revival Spa Retreat combines the amenities of an award-winning destination luxury spa and a soul-enriching program for personal growth. Your retreat will be focused on you and your unique needs and desires (or both of you, if you're a couple). A Revival Spa Retreat is a very personalized approach to body, mind and spirit wellness. 


In the sanctuary of the Oaks Spa, you can reap the many benefits of a holistic retreat. The word "holistic" means "whole" or "complete" and that's exactly how you'll feel when you return home. A staff of experts at The Oaks will be there to nurture and support you. Your only job will be to focus on you, and accomplish the goals that brought you here. Retreat from the world and your busy life, and recharge and renew. 


Set Your Goals and Choose the Retreat That Is Just Right for You!

For details on each of our custom retreats, Click on the links below:

Couple's Getaway Retreat
One-on-one "Solo" Retreat
Revival Spa Retreat
Ojai Sacred Sites Tour
                                                                                     Let's Get Started
The next step is to call Liz and schedule a complimentary phone session, so you can discuss your needs, your challenges and your desires. Liz will answer your questions and tell you what you can expect at a Heart's Way Retreat. She will devise a game plan and customize a retreat that's just right for you.

​The Heart's Way specializes in a two night/two day custom retreat package. Our retreats are all inclusive except for the evening meal, which gives you a chance to take a break. Our retreats are designed to fit within your schedule and your budget.

If you don't have time to travel, Liz can lead you on a virtual retreat held on Skype or on the phone from your home, or anywhere in the world that has internet or phone access. Whether you work with Liz in person at the Ojai Retreat House, or your attend a virtual retreat with Liz on Skype, or by phone the benefits will be just as life-changing.
If it's not possible to attend a retreat at this time, and you would like personal support, you can schedule a coaching session with Liz on Skype, by phone, or in person. Dr. Liz can be reached at 805-646-6090, or send an email.   
For more information about Private Consultations with Liz, Click here.
We encourage you to visit Ojai before your retreat begins or stay a few extra days and immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of this mystical place in nature called Shangri-La. Even if you can only visit Ojai for a day, you are invited to take the Ojai Sacred Sites Tour. You can explore the sacred sites and experience for yourself the mystical side of nature Ojai is so famous for. 
For reservation information, Click here.​
To contact Liz, Click here.

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