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A Message From Our Founder - Liz

On a personal note . . .


Today, I'm living in Shangri-La doing the work I love and making a difference in people's lives. However, my life wasn't always filled with magic and miracles -- far from it!

Since I was very young, I had a burning desire to be of service. Every night, before I fell asleep I would fantasize I was in Africa helping to feed the starving children. But the lines were long, and I always fell asleep before I reached the end. 


That desire always stayed with me, and I wanted to make a difference in the world. Unfortunately, at at the rate I was going just keeping my head above water -- it was probably going to take me years, maybe decades to accomplish my dream of being of service. There were plenty of hurdles on my path and I was getting nowhere fast.

I would not be where I am today if it weren't for the support and guidance of a transformational trainer named Jack Canfield. I really couldn't afford the seminar he was facilitating in Santa Barbara, but I just knew I need to attend. I'm so grateful I trusted my intuition! Jack gave me the inspiration and the tools I needed to awaken my passion and power and that six days changed my life forever! 

I would like to briefly share that experience with you. Jack lead the group on a guided meditation to discover our chosen destiny. In that meditation, the message that came to me was crystal clear, and it made perfect sense. My true calling was to learn how to heal my hurt and pain and find happiness, so I could teach others to grow and live their best life. 

That seminar was the turning point. I had found my higher purpose and I was inspired! That's what I had needed all along -- someone who could show me the way. I gained the confidence to embark on my journey of self-discovery and to make my dream a reality. I knew my mission was to inspire others to heal and grow and be happy.  


I began my search for the holy grail of true happiness. I studied the deepest mysteries of spirituality and sacred traditions from around the world. I became fascinated with the new physics and the principles of meta-physics, and I found the similarity between the scientific and spiritual conceptions of reality to be truly amazing. I began to avidly explore the new frontier of energy psychology.


Looking back, it still amazes me how the "puzzle pieces" always fit together. As I applied the wisdom I had acquired, positive changes happened so quickly and unfolded so elegantly it was amazing! I jumped out of bed every morning! More and more, my life was filled with magic and miracles. Over time, I was not just happy -- I was ecstatic! I felt joyfully empowered. Clearly, my Soul was guiding me on my path of learning, and I was ready to make a big difference in people's lives.


I knew it was time to inspire others and I committed to creating a program that would teach the fundamental tools of personal power and self-mastery. What emerged over time is a synthesis of my research -- the knowledge, wisdom and insights I gathered during my personal vision quest, as well as many years of professional training. I came to call my methodology The Heart's Way.


I have acquired decades of experience as a life coach and mentor, and I can show you the secrets to unleashing your power and passion. When you know how to apply the fundamental principles of self-transformation, positive changes can become a way of life.


The Heart's Way to personal empowerment and life mastery can be a life-changing adventure. You can effortlessly move beyond struggle and suffering and make your deepest dreams come true. 


At a custom retreat, in my workshops or classes, or in private sessions, you will gain the clarity and the conviction you need to make powerful choices -- choices that can set you free from whatever is holding you back from living your ideal life and making a difference in the world.


As you sow the seeds of love in your heart, you can heal

and grow and become more happy and whole. As you

move into your greatness, you will blossom, and you

will become an inspiration for others to follow.


I will show you how to follow your heart for the

answers and insights you need to live a prosperous 

and joy-filled life. 


I encourage you to trust your intuition and discern

what is right for you. Ask and you shall receive the help

you need to heal and grow into the magnificent being

that you truly are.

My ultimate goal is for you to be joyful, happy, realize

your full potential and find your true calling. My wish

is for you to create powerful change in your life, so you

can claim your potential greatness and live life to the 


More about Liz's Masters Tele-Classes, consultations here:



                                                      Much Love, 

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