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About Ojai
Ojai is California's very own spiritual Mecca. Nestled
serenely in a verdant mountain valley, only 14 miles
from the Pacific Ocean, Ojai has been a spiritual magnet
for centuries. It is blessed with exquisite natural beauty
and a deep spiritual ambience.
Nowhere else will you find a more perfect place to
embark on a soul-enriching journey of self-discovery
and empowerment. The healing and uplifting power
of the Ojai vortex combined with the mastery and
wisdom of Coach Liz Medearis, and her proprietary
method, is the magic formula for transformation at
the deepest level. 
Practitioners in the healing arts, and master teachers such as the great Indian mystic Juddu Krishnamurti are drawn to Ojai. He experienced such a profound spiritual epiphany that he made Ojai his sanctuary and his home. He referred to Ojai as: The magnetic center of Earth where people come to reach their spiritual centers in themselves.


World-renowned avatar Meher Baba was also drawn to live in "Shangri-Li." The Meher Mount Spiritual Center overlooks the beautiful Ojai Valley on the north, the Pacific Ocean to the southwest, and the Topa Topa Bluffs in the northeast. The center is included in the Ojai Sacred Sites Tour.

The Chumash Indians were the first settlers.They believed the land was sacred, and they called it
"Ahwa'y" which means Valley of the Moon. Even today, if a tree needs to be cut down, a Chumash Elder must be present give permission and to bless the ground.
Why Are So Many People Drawn To Ojai?
There's a reason that every year, thousands of people feel the call to visit this mountain oasis known as Shangri-La. In addition to being a beautiful and tranquil place, Ojai is known as a spiritual power center, providing the perfect setting for the enrichment of body and soul.There are many who believe the Ojai energy vortex was put here to help humanity.  
The Ojai mountain valley is the site of a powerful magnetic energy vortex. A vortex is a swirling center of subtle energy that flows up to the surface from the Earth's power grid at these high energy power spots. Vortices such as the one in Sedona, Arizona and Mt. Shasta in California are a powerful source of transformational energy.
You'll find a vortex experience at Ojai healing, uplifting and rejuvenating.
At these power points around the world Mother Earth's energy is amplified and can really shake things up! This may explain why the healing and the growth you can accomplish in Ojai is so profound.
Vortex energy affects the body's subtle energy on an unconscious level, enhancing creative thinking, problem-solving and mind-body healing. Many visitors describe their experience as an "awakening" and a "reconnecting with Spirit."
Everyone who enters the vortex is changed.
Sacred sites are usually located at major vortexes and Ojai is no exception.The Chumas Tribe considered the land in Ojai to be sacred, and their sacred sites are located at the various vortices that entend for miles and miles into the Los Padres National Forest, for at least 200 miles.
Indeed, the Ojai vortex provides a perfect setting for spiritual enrichment. There's definitely a vortex experience that happens if you're open to it. You can really feel the subtle energy flowing into your body. You just have to be able to flow with it to feel it.
For miles and miles in all directions, the Ojai vortex pulses in sync with the Earth's energy. Within this landscape, there are dozens of smaller vortices beyond the Ojai valley into Las Padres National Park. Now that you understand the special nature of the Ojai vortexes you may want to visit one. It's easy if you know where to look.
                                "The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is.
                                   Self-knowledge has no end .... It is an endless river.” 
                                                          ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
What better place to retreat from the world and return home revitalized and renewed!
We encourage you to visit Ojai before your retreat begins or stay a few extra days and immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of this place in nature called Shangri-La. Even if you can only visit Ojai for a day, you are invited to take the Ojai Sacred Sites Tour with Liz. You can explore the sacred sites and experience for yourself the magic and mystery of this treasured Southern California destination.
For details and reservations for the Ojai Sacred Sites Tour, Click here.
There's Magic In Ojai!
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